Giving nature a helping hand
Wild flowers planted in the churchyard. How many can you identify? Download the explanatory leaflet here to check your answers.
Unfortunately 97% of our lowland wildflower-rich grassland across the UK has been lost since the 1930’s. We have joined lots of other churches who are doing their little bit to help halt that decline.
With support from the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Riseholme College has donated a number of wild flowers to plant in the churchyard to create a small wildflower meadow area.
We have introduced flowers that overlap in their flowering period throughout the year, providing a much needed continuity of nectar supply for long tongued pollinating insects like butterflies and moths
The wild flower area is close to the stream which will bring additional wildlife benefits. A number of small frogs have been seen in amongst the grass and flowers.
Nesting boxes and bat boxes have also been installed in the church yard to encourage nesting birds and a roost for bats.
The increment of wild flowers in the church yard will also provide an educational opportunity for children from Scampton and Pollyplatt Schools to wander around and identify the different species using a newly designed leaflet. You can get a preview by downloading it here.