If there is one thing for sure… Scampton Church Family is growing!

In our growing church help is always needed. Here are a few ways that you could help.

Prayer – It’s often said, “I can’t do much, but I can pray.” That is a sad way to think about prayer. The truth is, not everyone will pray. Prayer is never the “least you can do,” but should always be thought of as the most important thing you can do. Pray for Scampton Church, its leadership team, and those in the church who have needs. Don’t just pray for situations to be resolved in a positive way, but pray more deeply than that. Pray that people will be changed and become spiritually stronger.

Music and singing – We still need a few more singers and especially someone who can play a few simple chords on a keyboard. So if you know of anyone who enjoys music and can sing or play then get in touch.

Cleaning and Flowers – We have a small team who do a brilliant job, but are always looking out for help, no matter how small.

Children and Young people – We are looking to set up a youth group so if you can help out here then get in touch with Chris, one of our church wardens.

Welcome Team – If you are outgoing and can strike up a conversation with others, you can help out with the Welcome Team – seek out visitors and do what you can to help them feel welcome and comfortable. Help them to get the things they need to have a great experience at Scampton Church. You don’t have to be given a title to be friendly!

Audio/Visual – We are building a comprehensive audio/visual experience in church and need more people to operate it. So if you are interested in or have experience with Powerpoint, mixing desks or band setups, then get in touch. We’ll give you lots of support and training.

Transformation, Fund Raising and Event Organisation – Our aim is to transform Scampton Church building, and create a community church and heritage centre which could be used daily for community events. Every generation leaves its mark on a church building and this transformation will make our church fit for purpose today. This is a really exciting project and is now underway with the replacement of the north aisle roof, a new A/V system and the replacement of the old and unstable pews with chairs. There is still a lot to do. We need helpers.

Cooking – There are always events that require the provision of food, so if you like baking cakes or can help out with catering arrangements on our Alpha course which is starting this month, then ping us an e mail.

Maintenance – Do you paint, garden, or enjoy minor DIY… we have a job for you!