Operation Christmas Child

Charity donations Over 10.5 million shoeboxes were sent last year to children in places around the world that suffer from poverty, famine, drought and displacement. 400, 000 of these were from the UK, 28,107 were shipped from Grimsby, 68 of them started their journey...

Toilet Twinning

Spend a penny and flush away poverty Scampton Church congregation has been spending loads of pennies! Some months ago we gave people collection boxes asking them to “Spend a penny and flush away poverty.” It seems that whenever we go to the toilet we now spend more...

Film crew at Scampton School

School children helping in campaign video In support of a crowd funding effort for a new RAF stained glass window at Scampton Church commemorating the one hundred year relationship between the village, the church and the RAF, children at Scampton Primary School were...

Wine Tasting Evening

Thanks for your support Thank you to everyone who supported last weekend’s wine tasting evening. The evening was run by Brian Elliott, the founder of midweek wines website. Brian is a wine writer and international wine competitions judge. A newspaper columnist and...

Harvest Celebration

A sharing service The family service this month was our annual Harvest Celebration. The theme of the service this year is ‘sharing’ and its based on the bible reading from Isaiah 58 verse 7.  Pete the Puppet was up to his usual ‘extreme’ antics...

A right royal wedding

A wonderful wedding day What a beautiful way to learn about the Church of England Wedding Service and celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The sun shone on Scampton Church as pupils, staff and parents attended Scampton Primary Schools ‘Mock...

Remembrance Day

A fitting tribute The third invitation in our ‘season of invitation’ started with a message from John Beavan, the head teacher at Scamptons’ Pollyplatt Community Junior School reading…. Dear Sue, We’ve had an idea about Remembrance Day,...