Celebrate the Festival of Harvest

Celebrate the Festival of Harvest

Celebrate the Festival of Harvest We invite you to join us on Sunday, October 6th, at 10:15am for our Festival of Harvest (Exodus 23:16). It will be informal, interactive, inclusive, friendly, fun, and FREE! Bring your tinned or dried food for the ‘Lincoln...

The Family Service each month

It’s for all and everyone! A big thank you to everyone who work so hard to make this monthly service so meaningful and enjoyable – come and join in our Family Service. It’s for all and everyone! Here’s a few photos from this months Family...

An Inclusive Family Thanksgiving

Inclusive, Informal, Interactive, Friendly, Fun And Free! At Scampton Church we believe that following and worshipping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too ‘stuffy’. We are passionate about developing ‘Fresh Expressions’ of Church to...

One Way Jesus

A lesson in humility Our March family service followed the theme of Humility: While teaching one day, Jesus started talking about the religious leaders and describing how they acted. The behaviour he describes is the the opposite of humility – they do everything for...

Talking to God

The Lords Prayer That’s what the family service was all about this month as we took a deeper look at the Lords Prayer, and focused on Matthew 6. 5-15. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on...

RAF 100 Family Service Celebration

The Best Family Service Ever! We were blessed during July to host our friends from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Doc and Judine Heidicker came over to the UK to attend the dedication of the 121 and 133 Eagle Squadron badges at the RAF Club in London. Doc is the Wing...

New Church Family Prayer

Look out next month for the new Family Service Prayer We are creating a new ‘Family Service Prayer’, especially for Scampton Church, which we will say at the beginning of the family services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Ideas from the...