And the winner is…

At the annual general meeting of Scampton Church a decision was made on the model of chair which will replace the pews…. and the winner is chair B. Arrangements are now in hand to formally confirm the replacement of the pews, with this model of chair, with the diocese advisory committee. Subject to final approval by the diocese, it is proposed that the following pews should be sold:

2 pews 1’3’’ x 8’4” with book rail
6 pews 1’6” x 8’4” with book rail
1 pew 1’3” x 8’3” No book rail
1 pew 1’6” x 4’9” No book rail
1 pew 1’6” x 5’4” No book rail
9 pews 1’6” x 6’11” with book rail
2 pews 1’6” x 11’ with book rail.

If you would like to register an early interest in purchasing a church pew then please contact us.