Keeping Their Stories Alive wins MOD Sanctuary Awards
Photo from the Sanctuary Awards ceremony - From left to right:Flt Lt Gary...
We are an Anglican Church and part of the Springline Parish. We cater for all ages, and encourage each other to grow in our faith through prayer, a variety of activities, and relevant bible teaching.

We seek to serve our local community, including all those at RAF Scampton, and enjoy a close relationship with the children and staff at Pollyplatt Primary School, and our local Church of England School in the village. We run the Scampton Community Lottery, the proceeds of which helps to support community activities.
We believe that following and worshipping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too ‘stuffy’. In fact our motto is ‘Inclusive, Informal, Interactive, Fun, Friendly and Free!’

We are passionate about developing ‘Fresh Expressions’ of church to enable our worship to be modern and relevant. This year we are participating in a season of invitation.

We offer teaching to raise awareness of baptism, confirmation, and marriage responsibilities.

We recognise and value the importance of ‘Keeping Safe’

Our church building dates from the 14th century, and is closely linked with the R.A.F.; the Red Arrows, and the National Churches Trust.
“Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed
you for the Glory of God” – Romans 15.7.
We welcome you if you can sing like Pavarotti, or like many of us can’t carry a note in a bucket. You’re welcome here if you’re just browsing, just woken up or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Christian than the Archbishop of Canterbury, or haven’t been in church since little Archie’s baptism.
We extend a welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome tired mums, football fanatical dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk-food eaters. We welcome you if you’re having problems or you’re down in the dumps or if you don’t like ‘organised religion’, we’ve been there too!
We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell like the Vicar, or because Gran is visiting and wanted to go to church.
We welcome those who are inked, pierced or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid, or got lost down the Lincolnshire lanes and wound up here by mistake! We welcome tourists, red arrows watchers, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts … and you!
If there’s one thing for sure… Scampton Church Family is growing!
In our growing church, help is always needed.
Be a part of
Scampton Church’s
amazing transformation

It’s often said, “I can’t do much, but I can pray.” That is a sad way to think about prayer. The truth is, not everyone will pray. Prayer is never the “least you can do,” but should always be thought of as the most important thing you can do. Pray for Scampton Church, its leadership team, and those in the church who have needs. Don’t just pray for situations to be resolved in a positive way, but pray more deeply than that. Pray that people will be changed and become spiritually stronger.

We have built a comprehensive audio/visual experience in church and need more people to operate it. So if you are interested in or have experience with Powerpoint, mixing desks or band setups, then get in touch. We’ll give you lots of support and training.
Music & Singing

We still need a few more singers and especially someone who can play a few simple chords on a keyboard. So if you know of anyone who enjoys music and can sing or play then get in touch.
Cleaning & Flowers

We have a small team who do a brilliant job, but are always looking out for help, no matter how small.
There is still a lot to do. We need helpers.
Since before the Norman conquest Scampton Church has, through the ages, been the place where local people have gathered. Once again, we want our church to be the place where local people come to worship, meet, to be entertained, and for help when they need it.
Part of our vision is to be more than a Church congregation, and rather to be a community Church hub, providing support to the people that come here. We want to create a space where people feel they are loved and belong. A space where people can, in their own time and pace, explore faith together. Our Alpha courses are a prime example of this.
To do all we want to do, we also need funds and so if you would like to give towards the work of Scampton Church please do so in one of the ways suggested below and thank you for generously helping us to play our part in seeing the kingdom of God come to Scampton and surrounding villages.
STANDING ORDER – You can easily set up a standing order at your local bank or online with these details:
St John the Baptist Church Scampton
The Co-operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65805127
Please give your surname as the reference.
CHEQUES – Cheques are made payable to:
St John the Baptist Church, Scampton.
GIFT AID – If you pay tax in the UK (income or capital gains tax) we would be grateful if you could fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing gift aid declaration, so that we can claim back the basic rate of tax through the government’s gift aid scheme. It comes at no extra cost to you and we benefit by recovering 25p for every pound given.