
Join us

Over 27 million people worldwide have now attended an Alpha course, an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment, running in tens of thousands of churches, coffee shops, bars and homes across the world. No pressure, no charge, no follow up

“What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions: life, death and their meaning”
The Guardian

The Course
Our course kicks off at 7pm on Monday 5th February 2018 at Scampton Church of England Primary School, LN1 2SD. The evening is all FREE.

The course then continues on Monday evenings for 8 weeks 7pm-8:45. Join us for food each week, a short film and plenty of opportunity to bat around your opinions, thoughts and questions, in smaller groups.

More detailed information and sign up arrangements in the January newsletter, and also here.