A quick update

We are still monitoring The Government Advice and that of The Church of England and Lincoln Diocese and we have taken action on it. It’s a week now since our last update and things have been happening:

The Scampton Village self help Facebook group we set up now has 68 members and is a platform for the community to share information and offer help to others. Only yesterday The Dambusters Inn posted that they have now arranged for vegetables to be delivered direct to your door. You can view what is available here. Thanks go to Ursula Lambert for initialising the door to door deliveries by Fosters butchers. You can see what Fosters offer here. Also Dave’s Daily Bread initiative raised £79.73 plus gift aid for the Lincoln University/NHS face mask project. Well done Dave.

You can access the Scampton Village Facebook Group here.

Scampton Church daily reflections page is up and running and will be regularly updated by John Beverley.

A big thank you to those people who added to the 17 tins of food in the ‘Bring a Tin’ box which is in the church porch. In one day the 17 tins suddenly increased to over 60! This crucial food has now gone to needy families. If you are out exercising and passing church why not put a tin in your pocket and drop it into the box in the church porch. Sadly the church building still remains locked on advice from the diocese.