Aviation Raffle

A big thank you Thank you to everyone who supported the RAF Scampton Commemorative Window Aviation Raffle. The draw took place on Friday 14th August at The Dambusters Inn, Scampton. The draw was made by Wing Commander (rtd) Bill Ramsey, who captained the last ever...

Operation Christmas Child

Charity donations Over 10.5 million shoeboxes were sent last year to children in places around the world that suffer from poverty, famine, drought and displacement. 400, 000 of these were from the UK, 28,107 were shipped from Grimsby, 68 of them started their journey...

Toilet Twinning

Spend a penny and flush away poverty Scampton Church congregation has been spending loads of pennies! Some months ago we gave people collection boxes asking them to “Spend a penny and flush away poverty.” It seems that whenever we go to the toilet we now spend more...

Caretakers of Gods Creation Service

June Family Service and ECO day As we are currently running our Toilet Twinning Campaign the June family service was all about being caretakers of Gods creation and looked at World Environment Day on the 5th June. The children scoured the churchyard searching for...

Revd. Dr David Young

Sadly missed It is with sadness that I report the death of the Revd. Dr David Young who passed away on the 9th February. David was a particular close friend of mine and a disciple in Christ, and I am truly indebted to him for his warmth, advice, and gentle...

Wine Tasting Evening

Thanks for your support Thank you to everyone who supported last weekend’s wine tasting evening. The evening was run by Brian Elliott, the founder of midweek wines website. Brian is a wine writer and international wine competitions judge. A newspaper columnist and...

Macmillan Christingle

Strange hair do’s There were some strange hair do’s at this years Christingle service. There was red hair, blue hair, a pink haired local minister, and lots of wiggy type hair, but the person to top it all was Vicky who had her hair shaved off to raise...

The Chairs are Coming!

All change at Scampton Curch After about 4 years of research and campaigning, we have now received approval from the Church of England to dispose of the pews and replace them with chairs. Four of the more ornate pews will be retained, as will the more modern pews in...

Open Churches Weekend

A very successful open churches weekend The open churches weekend was a real success, raising £343, and was uplifted by the wonderful sunshine. There was lots going on including the royal wedding live on TV and a reflective walk around the Commonwealth War Graves and...

Churches Festival

Party time! It was the 21st birthday party of West Lindsey’s Open Churches Festival this year and Scampton Church was open on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May between 10am and 4.30pm. The leadership team put on a display which illustrated the work of Scampton...

Sale of Pews

And the winner is… At the annual general meeting of Scampton Church a decision was made on the model of chair which will replace the pews…. and the winner is chair B. Arrangements are now in hand to formally confirm the replacement of the pews, with this...

New Years Message

Where has the time gone? Well it is the beginning of a new year already. Where has the time gone? At Scampton Church we are looking forward to a really exciting 2017. As well as being a place where Christ’s love is preached – in a not stuffy way – we want to do more...

Harvest Festival

Well done to everyone who donated Our second event in the ‘season of invitation was our Harvest Festival, and 300 invitations were posted through doors in the community. Scampton Church, Playmates Nursery, and the two village junior schools, joined together in...