HURRAY! We’ve made it…

Our incredible new website for Scampton Church and RAF War Graves Heritage Centre has just been launched. It is the culmination of many years work by volunteers at Scampton Church. Our new web site has two gateways. One to our Church activities and the other to the...

National Churches Trust Awards

‘Open For Visitors Award’ gala ceremony in London Scampton Church has reached the final of the national ‘Open For Visitors Award’. We’re going to the gala ceremony in London to represent the Diocese and our village Church....

Try Alpha at Sue’s

Food. Talk. Discussions. Explore Life! Our Scampton Alpha has just finished… Alpha is a place where you can explore more about life, faith and meaning. It’s a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over 9 weeks. Each talk looks at a...

617 Squadron Commemorative Window

617 Squadron Commemorative Window Update Scampton church has always been the church of RAF Scampton and as such we feel it is so important to maintain the RAF Scampton heritage here. The proposed 617 Squadron Commemorative Window is another Claire Williamson Glass...

A thought to start the New Year

Exciting times at Scampton Church Who would have thought this time last year that 12 months down the line we would still be engulfed with COVID, its problems and consequences. Mother Theresa is attributed with saying ‘God won’t give me anything I can’t handle – I just...

Honouring The Few

Marking the 80th anniversary of The Battle of Britain A special commemorative service, arranged in partnership with RAF Scampton and The RAF Aerobatic Team, to honour ‘THE FEW’ was arranged to take place on 15th September to mark the 80th anniversary of...

Aviation Raffle

A big thank you Thank you to everyone who supported the RAF Scampton Commemorative Window Aviation Raffle. The draw took place on Friday 14th August at The Dambusters Inn, Scampton. The draw was made by Wing Commander (rtd) Bill Ramsey, who captained the last ever...

Wildflower Project

Giving nature a helping hand Wild flowers planted in the churchyard. How many can you identify? Download the explanatory leaflet here to check your answers. Unfortunately 97% of our lowland wildflower-rich grassland across the UK has been lost since the 1930’s. We...

Covid 19 Pandemic – A month on…

A quick update We are still monitoring The Government Advice and that of The Church of England and Lincoln Diocese and we have taken action on it. It’s a week now since our last update and things have been happening: The Scampton Village self help Facebook group...

Covid 19 Pandemic

Online Easter Family Services Our Church building closed on 24th March on the instructions of the Church of England. Our Church building may be closed but our CHURCH is open and active in lots of ways, including a new community help facebook page, and online services....

Hello Everyone

Pick yourself up and start again I’d love to stand up there with the band at a Family Service and strum my guitar. However, when I get down to it, I try out a new tune and just make a mess of it. I was talking to Pete the Puppet (the resident Scampton Family Service...

Exciting things during 2020

Reordering of Scampton Church – Update The remedial work to the North aisle roof and North Nave roof is still ongoing. In fact due to the scaffolding still being in place we had to cancel the outdoor nativity which we had planned for Christmas Eve. We thank everyone...

Operation Christmas Child

Charity donations Over 10.5 million shoeboxes were sent last year to children in places around the world that suffer from poverty, famine, drought and displacement. 400, 000 of these were from the UK, 28,107 were shipped from Grimsby, 68 of them started their journey...

Remembrance Concert

A memorable evening at Scampton Church Our Remembrance Concert was held on the 8th November. A full church enjoyed a memorable evening featuring The Bassingham Community Choir with soloist Ellie Hull, singing a programme of songs with readings and...

Toilet Twinning

Spend a penny and flush away poverty Scampton Church congregation has been spending loads of pennies! Some months ago we gave people collection boxes asking them to “Spend a penny and flush away poverty.” It seems that whenever we go to the toilet we now spend more...

Wonderous Woman Award

Award winning reverend Requests from Alive Church in Lincoln for nominations for a ‘Wondrous Woman Award’ were requested on social media during the early part of this year, and a number of people nominated this lady who won it. Well done Rev. Sue Deacon...

The Family Service each month

It’s for all and everyone! A big thank you to everyone who work so hard to make this monthly service so meaningful and enjoyable – come and join in our Family Service. It’s for all and everyone! Here’s a few photos from this months Family...

The New Flagpole

Church of England flag The new flagpole has now been erected in the churchyard, and currently flying the RAF ensign whist the RAF Scampton Commemorative Window Project and The extended ‘Allies in the Air’ Exhibition is running. Thanks to Chris Kenny and...

Easter Celebrations

Easter conga fun! Great fun at our Easter Celebration Communion Service this year. A full church hunted Easter eggs, watched a video about the Easter story, took part in an all inclusive thanksgiving communion, and did the Easter conga! Even Chester the greyhound came...

An Inclusive Family Thanksgiving

Inclusive, Informal, Interactive, Friendly, Fun And Free! At Scampton Church we believe that following and worshipping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too ‘stuffy’. We are passionate about developing ‘Fresh Expressions’ of Church to...

One Way Jesus

A lesson in humility Our March family service followed the theme of Humility: While teaching one day, Jesus started talking about the religious leaders and describing how they acted. The behaviour he describes is the the opposite of humility – they do everything for...

Revd. Dr David Young

Sadly missed It is with sadness that I report the death of the Revd. Dr David Young who passed away on the 9th February. David was a particular close friend of mine and a disciple in Christ, and I am truly indebted to him for his warmth, advice, and gentle...

Hello Everyone…

Exciting changes ahead! It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m already thinking of all the exciting changes that are planned at Scampton Church for 2019. It’s the end of another year and a time when many of us reflect back at what we have done during the past twelve months and...

Macmillan Christingle

Strange hair do’s There were some strange hair do’s at this years Christingle service. There was red hair, blue hair, a pink haired local minister, and lots of wiggy type hair, but the person to top it all was Vicky who had her hair shaved off to raise...

After Alpha

Alpha 2019 starts on the 11th February Following the conclusion of the 2018 Alpha course the feedback from the folks who came along was very positive, especially as to how their view of the Christian faith had changed. Here are some of the comments made by them about...

Armistice Centenary

A time to reflect and remember Our special Armistice Centenary event ran during remembrance week. It was made up of three parts. The Lost Voices Concert, The Remembrance Service and a World War 1 Flying Corps Exhibition. All parts of the special event made the...

Look who’s moved the font

Thanks to Mike and Glen This is Mike and Glen who are Lincoln Cathedral stonemasons. They spent a day last weekend moving the font from its location in the entrance to the bell tower to its new home adjacent to one of the pillars in the nave. Access to the bell tower...

Harvest Celebration

A sharing service The family service this month was our annual Harvest Celebration. The theme of the service this year is ‘sharing’ and its based on the bible reading from Isaiah 58 verse 7.  Pete the Puppet was up to his usual ‘extreme’ antics...

New team to work the sound desk

Thanks to all volunteers A new team has been created to set up and operate the sound desk at each service. Thanks to all who have volunteered. Pictured Walter operating the sound desk at the Harvest...

‘After Alpha’ Group Restarts

Coffee and cake on hand! The response for an Autumn get together was really encouraging with fourteen people coming along. We listened to a 20 minute talk (with visuals) on Romans 12. 1-13 and discussed what makes a Church community/family. The obligatory coffee and...

Pews Out – Chairs In

What a transition! A great big thank you to all those people who came to help with the transition from pews to chairs. Moving the unsold pews out, taking part in the big clean up, shampooing the carpets and wax polishing the oak furniture, touching up the paintwork in...

Talking to God

The Lords Prayer That’s what the family service was all about this month as we took a deeper look at the Lords Prayer, and focused on Matthew 6. 5-15. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on...

RAF 100 Family Service Celebration

The Best Family Service Ever! We were blessed during July to host our friends from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Doc and Judine Heidicker came over to the UK to attend the dedication of the 121 and 133 Eagle Squadron badges at the RAF Club in London. Doc is the Wing...

Church Family Prayer

Prayer ideas At our last family service we all put together ideas for a church family prayer. Well, our church warden Chris has had a look at the contributions and put this together. As we serve youLord, help us to concentrate on YouAs we help other peopleLord, help...

More Children Join ‘The Band’

Calling all music lovers Lovely to see Emily and Hannah playing keyboards this month. Well done both of you. Don’t forget if you play an instrument and would like to join in then tell us. We’ll send you the music well in advance and you can play as much or...

New Church Family Prayer

Look out next month for the new Family Service Prayer We are creating a new ‘Family Service Prayer’, especially for Scampton Church, which we will say at the beginning of the family services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Ideas from the...

The Chairs are Coming!

All change at Scampton Curch After about 4 years of research and campaigning, we have now received approval from the Church of England to dispose of the pews and replace them with chairs. Four of the more ornate pews will be retained, as will the more modern pews in...