Toilet Twinning

Spend a penny and flush away poverty Scampton Church congregation has been spending loads of pennies! Some months ago we gave people collection boxes asking them to “Spend a penny and flush away poverty.” It seems that whenever we go to the toilet we now spend more...

Caretakers of Gods Creation Service

June Family Service and ECO day As we are currently running our Toilet Twinning Campaign the June family service was all about being caretakers of Gods creation and looked at World Environment Day on the 5th June. The children scoured the churchyard searching for...

An Inclusive Family Thanksgiving

Inclusive, Informal, Interactive, Friendly, Fun And Free! At Scampton Church we believe that following and worshipping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too ‘stuffy’. We are passionate about developing ‘Fresh Expressions’ of Church to...

One Way Jesus

A lesson in humility Our March family service followed the theme of Humility: While teaching one day, Jesus started talking about the religious leaders and describing how they acted. The behaviour he describes is the the opposite of humility – they do everything for...

New team to work the sound desk

Thanks to all volunteers A new team has been created to set up and operate the sound desk at each service. Thanks to all who have volunteered. Pictured Walter operating the sound desk at the Harvest...

More Children Join ‘The Band’

Calling all music lovers Lovely to see Emily and Hannah playing keyboards this month. Well done both of you. Don’t forget if you play an instrument and would like to join in then tell us. We’ll send you the music well in advance and you can play as much or...

New Church Family Prayer

Look out next month for the new Family Service Prayer We are creating a new ‘Family Service Prayer’, especially for Scampton Church, which we will say at the beginning of the family services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Ideas from the...

A right royal wedding

A wonderful wedding day What a beautiful way to learn about the Church of England Wedding Service and celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The sun shone on Scampton Church as pupils, staff and parents attended Scampton Primary Schools ‘Mock...

Easter Sunday

Alleluia – He is Risen – He is Risen indeed – Alleluia! Well 75 people came along to celebrate the Risen Christ. The service represented what the disciples must have felt like when they encountered the risen Christ. In fact following His resurrection Jesus was seen...

Mothering Sunday

Lets have a band! Sue and Joe have been working with some of the children at Scampton School during the Easter term and someone said…lets have a band! So no sooner said than done and seven of the children came along and played ‘Seek ye First the Kingdom of...

Nativity Play

The Bethlehem Mouse comes to Scampton The Bethlehem Mouse is obviously a popular character as 175 people squeezed into the church to see...

Unwrapping Christmas @ Christingle

Christmas starts with Christ Loads of children came along to see a dramatic bible reading of Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1-5 by Hannah Bloom, Pete the Puppet appear as an angel, and Maisie Imogen and Izzy sing 10,000 reasons. What a great start to our season of...

Remembrance Service

The season of invitation continues Our season of invitation continues and is gaining a huge response as 200 people come along to our remembrance service, including a couple who, after visiting the website, specifically made the journey from Doncaster to attend....

Harvest Celebration

A great big thank you A young child went up to their mum and said…”you know – I’d like to go to church mummy”. His mum thought this a bit strange as the family were not ‘church goers’, but wanting to encourage her child to...

A summer of family services

Love and forgiveness A series of three family services based on the story of Joseph (Genesis 37 – 47) ran through the summer. It began with Gods plan to build His own people with the promise to Abraham, and how Abrahams great grandson Joseph came to be sold into...

Wecolming children in church

Learn, sing, play, dance – and have fun. As part of our commitment to welcoming children into our church family we started a children’s music group. The idea for the group was inspired by Izzy (aged 10 years) who was keen to sing and would like others to join...

Easter Sunday

He is risen – alleluia He is risen – alleluia. Sixty adults and forty three children enjoyed an Easter story movie, hunting Easter eggs, pass the Easter prayer parcel, Easter bingo, Pete the puppet and a conga round the church at our Family Easter Day service. There...

Mothering Sunday

Sing Praise! A big thank you to Runa, Aakash, Shivani and Amelia who brought along their violins and cello to join the worship group, and make the service lively and uplifting. Wow! what a difference you make towards encouraging everyone to SING...

Resurrection Rock

A rock musical performance On the last day of the Easter term Scampton School performed a rock musical which combined biblical narrations, songs and expressive mime to retell the Easter story with warmth and feeling. The children then planted seeds to represent new...

February Family Service

Following Gods Commandments The February Family service was all about ‘Following Gods Commandments’. Here is the reading from (Exodus:19-5-7) taken from ‘The Message’ Moses went up a mountain and met God. God said “This is what I want you to tell the people of...

Advent and Christmas

Harry Potter Themed Nativity Play My grandson was telling me about his huge Christmas list which could potentially double ToysRUs profits. He asked whether I had made a list. Yes, I said but mine is a ‘mothers’ list. What size turkey will I need? Shall I risk an on...

Remembrance Day

A fitting tribute The third invitation in our ‘season of invitation’ started with a message from John Beavan, the head teacher at Scamptons’ Pollyplatt Community Junior School reading…. Dear Sue, We’ve had an idea about Remembrance Day,...