RAF 100 Family Service Celebration

The Best Family Service Ever! We were blessed during July to host our friends from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Doc and Judine Heidicker came over to the UK to attend the dedication of the 121 and 133 Eagle Squadron badges at the RAF Club in London. Doc is the Wing...

Church Family Prayer

Prayer ideas At our last family service we all put together ideas for a church family prayer. Well, our church warden Chris has had a look at the contributions and put this together. As we serve youLord, help us to concentrate on YouAs we help other peopleLord, help...

More Children Join ‘The Band’

Calling all music lovers Lovely to see Emily and Hannah playing keyboards this month. Well done both of you. Don’t forget if you play an instrument and would like to join in then tell us. We’ll send you the music well in advance and you can play as much or...

New Church Family Prayer

Look out next month for the new Family Service Prayer We are creating a new ‘Family Service Prayer’, especially for Scampton Church, which we will say at the beginning of the family services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Ideas from the...

The Chairs are Coming!

All change at Scampton Curch After about 4 years of research and campaigning, we have now received approval from the Church of England to dispose of the pews and replace them with chairs. Four of the more ornate pews will be retained, as will the more modern pews in...

Open Churches Weekend

A very successful open churches weekend The open churches weekend was a real success, raising £343, and was uplifted by the wonderful sunshine. There was lots going on including the royal wedding live on TV and a reflective walk around the Commonwealth War Graves and...

A right royal wedding

A wonderful wedding day What a beautiful way to learn about the Church of England Wedding Service and celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The sun shone on Scampton Church as pupils, staff and parents attended Scampton Primary Schools ‘Mock...

Easter Sunday

Alleluia – He is Risen – He is Risen indeed – Alleluia! Well 75 people came along to celebrate the Risen Christ. The service represented what the disciples must have felt like when they encountered the risen Christ. In fact following His resurrection Jesus was seen...

Mothering Sunday

Lets have a band! Sue and Joe have been working with some of the children at Scampton School during the Easter term and someone said…lets have a band! So no sooner said than done and seven of the children came along and played ‘Seek ye First the Kingdom of...

Churchyard Bench Seat Restored

Summer picnic ready The teak bench seat dedicated to William and Margaret Lockwood and their son Jack who died serving his country in 1943, has been stripped re-oiled and re-secured. It’s now a lovely place again for quiet reflection and prayer or a summer...

The Beast from the East

Would the family service go ahead? Wow! what a cold week with freezing temperatures and 15 cm of snow! Would the family service go ahead? Here’s how Sue described the morning on her Facebook entry … ‘Went over to church at 7.15 this morning in my...

We need your help

If there is one thing for sure… Scampton Church Family is growing! In our growing church help is always needed. Here are a few ways that you could help. Prayer – It’s often said, “I can’t do much, but I can pray.” That is a sad way to think about prayer....

Alpha Course

Curry and pie and peas! Our first ever Alpha course started on the 5th of February and the group has ten members who signed up for the nine weekly sessions. So far we’ve munched through lasagne, pancakes and sheherds pie with vegan/vegetarian alternatives. We...

Hello Everyone…

Bring it on! It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m already thinking of all the exciting changes that are planned at Scampton Church for 2018. When speaking about change and being a changed person, it makes me think about the time when a man called Zac met Jesus and was changed...

Nativity Play

The Bethlehem Mouse comes to Scampton The Bethlehem Mouse is obviously a popular character as 175 people squeezed into the church to see...

Christmas Concert

Seasonal fun had by all A lovely atmosphere at the Christmas concert with Mel on his classical guitar, Jeff Heskins as George Formby, Proseccos close harmony, The Last of the Summer Whiners, Pete the Kamikaze Pilot, Hannah and Maisie singing Calypso carols, Kings,...

Unwrapping Christmas @ Christingle

Christmas starts with Christ Loads of children came along to see a dramatic bible reading of Genesis Chapter 1 verses 1-5 by Hannah Bloom, Pete the Puppet appear as an angel, and Maisie Imogen and Izzy sing 10,000 reasons. What a great start to our season of...

Remembrance Service

The season of invitation continues Our season of invitation continues and is gaining a huge response as 200 people come along to our remembrance service, including a couple who, after visiting the website, specifically made the journey from Doncaster to attend....

First Alpha Course Launched

Join us Over 27 million people worldwide have now attended an Alpha course, an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment, running in tens of thousands of churches, coffee shops, bars and homes across the world. No...

Harvest Celebration

A great big thank you A young child went up to their mum and said…”you know – I’d like to go to church mummy”. His mum thought this a bit strange as the family were not ‘church goers’, but wanting to encourage her child to...

A summer of family services

Love and forgiveness A series of three family services based on the story of Joseph (Genesis 37 – 47) ran through the summer. It began with Gods plan to build His own people with the promise to Abraham, and how Abrahams great grandson Joseph came to be sold into...

Induction of Rev’d Sebastian Mattapally

An uplifting service The Reverend Sebastian Mattapally was inducted as the Rector of the Springline Group of Parishes at Scampton Church on Thursday 27th July, by the Bishop of Lincoln – The Right Reverend Christopher Lowson. In an uplifting service attended by...

Wecolming children in church

Learn, sing, play, dance – and have fun. As part of our commitment to welcoming children into our church family we started a children’s music group. The idea for the group was inspired by Izzy (aged 10 years) who was keen to sing and would like others to join...

Pentecost Family Service

The spirit of truth The Pentecost service was based on the Spirit of truth and over 60 adults and children learned how the light of the Holy Spirit can guide us in our lives if we remember to ‘switch it on!’ Emily and Hannah who were recently baptised were...

Prayer Walk

Prayer walk gets a big thumbs up! The Lawres Deanery Prayer Walk took place between Ascension Day and Pentecost to support the Archbishops of York Canterbury’s call for a wave of prayer to sweep the country. The walk in the Deanery was co-ordinated by the Revd. Chris...

150 year old sycamore felled

Sad to see it go It is believed that this 150 year old sycamore tree has probably been in the churchyard since 1876 and may have been planted when the church was totally restored during the years 1876 – 1878. Sadly the top half of the tree had died off and...

Spring Harvest Day Out

Scampton Church day out at Spring Harvest Skegness A great day out at Spring Harvest Skegness. The theme for the week was ‘what it means to be united in Christ’. One of Scampton Church Families key values is being united through Christ in all our human...

Churches Festival

Party time! It was the 21st birthday party of West Lindsey’s Open Churches Festival this year and Scampton Church was open on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May between 10am and 4.30pm. The leadership team put on a display which illustrated the work of Scampton...

Easter Sunday

He is risen – alleluia He is risen – alleluia. Sixty adults and forty three children enjoyed an Easter story movie, hunting Easter eggs, pass the Easter prayer parcel, Easter bingo, Pete the puppet and a conga round the church at our Family Easter Day service. There...

New Church Warden

A well deserved rest After 15 years as church warden Bill Shaw has decided to step down and have a rest for a bit. Bill has been a key figure in the growth of Scampton Church and will be missed. Thanks Bill for all your hard work. The events and tasks that you have...

Temporary Toilet Installed

The Daisy Loo! This new temporary loo called ‘The Daisy Loo!’ has arrived at the back of Scampton Church. It is part of the leadership teams vision to create a community centre in Scampton, and apart from being an asset during church services it will...

Sale of Pews

And the winner is… At the annual general meeting of Scampton Church a decision was made on the model of chair which will replace the pews…. and the winner is chair B. Arrangements are now in hand to formally confirm the replacement of the pews, with this...

Mothering Sunday

Sing Praise! A big thank you to Runa, Aakash, Shivani and Amelia who brought along their violins and cello to join the worship group, and make the service lively and uplifting. Wow! what a difference you make towards encouraging everyone to SING...

Resurrection Rock

A rock musical performance On the last day of the Easter term Scampton School performed a rock musical which combined biblical narrations, songs and expressive mime to retell the Easter story with warmth and feeling. The children then planted seeds to represent new...

Moving the pews

Want to pass an opinion? The removal of the pews and replacement with chairs is one of the first steps in realising the leadership team’s vision of creating a community and heritage centre with potential uses of worship; a closer relationship with the school through...

March Family Service

Lead us not into temptation Over fifty people turned up to join Scampton Church family service this month. Our theme was ‘leading us not into temptation’ to break Gods rules which was our theme in the February family service. Pete the puppet was tempted by...

Rear Projected Screen

Well done Bill Well done Bill for securing a grant from the Bishops transformation fund for the purchase of an automated rear projection screen for song words and video, to replace the free standing screen that we have been using for the past...

February Family Service

Following Gods Commandments The February Family service was all about ‘Following Gods Commandments’. Here is the reading from (Exodus:19-5-7) taken from ‘The Message’ Moses went up a mountain and met God. God said “This is what I want you to tell the people of...

New Years Message

Where has the time gone? Well it is the beginning of a new year already. Where has the time gone? At Scampton Church we are looking forward to a really exciting 2017. As well as being a place where Christ’s love is preached – in a not stuffy way – we want to do more...

Advent and Christmas

Harry Potter Themed Nativity Play My grandson was telling me about his huge Christmas list which could potentially double ToysRUs profits. He asked whether I had made a list. Yes, I said but mine is a ‘mothers’ list. What size turkey will I need? Shall I risk an on...

Remembrance Day

A fitting tribute The third invitation in our ‘season of invitation’ started with a message from John Beavan, the head teacher at Scamptons’ Pollyplatt Community Junior School reading…. Dear Sue, We’ve had an idea about Remembrance Day,...

Harvest Festival

Well done to everyone who donated Our second event in the ‘season of invitation was our Harvest Festival, and 300 invitations were posted through doors in the community. Scampton Church, Playmates Nursery, and the two village junior schools, joined together in...

The Bishops Visit

A quick tidy up From Spring through the Summer the church building and churchyard became a building site and was looking a little sad with scaffolding, builders sheds, cement mixers, skips, and a scattering of broken roof tiles. Frustration and anxiety grew as wedding...

A season of invitation

Come and join us Following Sues ordination and her vision of doubling the congregation in her first year, the start of our long term reordering of the church building did not help. The builders moved in during the Spring and moved out in the Autumn so, with a view to...