
Love and forgiveness

A series of three family services based on the story of Joseph (Genesis 37 – 47) ran through the summer. It began with Gods plan to build His own people with the promise to Abraham, and how Abrahams great grandson Joseph came to be sold into slavery.

The story showed how God has a plan for His people. Even though it didn’t look like it. God was in control and was with Joseph even when his brothers lied about him.

God stayed with Joseph giving him strength and wisdom to be the best in every situation he found himself in. In the last service was all about loving and forgiving, Josephs brothers said sorry for the wrong they had done and God enabled Joseph to forgive his brothers. Links were made to how Jesus shows what God is like. Even though we have done things wrong, he forgives if we ask Him. The bible reading for each service was a short video. You can watch the last episode here.

Pictured: Izzy Woods (10), sang a parody of ‘any dream will do’ from the musical Joseph and his amazing technicolour dreamcoat.