Come and join us

Following Sues ordination and her vision of doubling the congregation in her first year, the start of our long term reordering of the church building did not help. The builders moved in during the Spring and moved out in the Autumn so, with a view to achieving her 2016 congregational vision, the Autumn of 2016 marked the start of our season of invitation.

The Anglican church’s ‘A Season of Invitation’ began as ‘Back to Church Sunday’ in 2004, which was an annual opportunity for churches across the UK and abroad to invite people to come with them to church.

Ten years on, Scampton Church expanded ‘Back to church Sunday’ into a new ‘season of invitation’, moving from one invitational service to four. Here are the four we chose:

The Bishops Visit (September), Harvest (October), A Special Remembrance (November), Advent and Christmas (December).

See how we get on throughout the year!