Following Gods Commandments

The February Family service was all about ‘Following Gods Commandments’.

Here is the reading from (Exodus:19-5-7) taken from ‘The Message’

Moses went up a mountain and met God. God said “This is what I want you to tell the people of Israel”… Moses came back and called the elders of Israel together and set before them ‘rules for living’ which God had commanded him. The people were unanimous in their response: “everything God says we will do” they said.

These rules were the 10 commandments, and here they are…

1. Put God first
2. Worship Him only
3. No bad words
4. Work 6 days – rest 1
5. Obey your parents
6. Harm no one
7. Don’t cheat
8. If it’s not yours don’t take it
9. Tell the truth
10. Don’t be jealous of other peoples stuff.

(Paraphrased from Exodus 20)

The children were invited to complete a word search and Sue and Pete the Puppet illustrated the message by using a cake baking story, and giving out ‘ten commandment’ bookmarks.