Bring it on!

It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m already thinking of all the exciting changes that are planned at Scampton Church for 2018.

When speaking about change and being a changed person, it makes me think about the time when a man called Zac met Jesus and was changed from a ‘skin flint’ into a generous man. (Luke 1.1-10) You can hear more about Zac and his encounter with Jesus at our Family Service on 7th January.

It’s easy sometimes to sit in our comfortable world and resist any change that makes us a bit uncomfortable, but we live in a changing world and that change is getting faster.

So…. are you sitting comfortably? I think that we must never become too comfortable in our Christian life. It’s said that a minister’s job is to comfort the disturbed and to disturb the comfortable. To walk with God means that we cannot stay as we are. This means we must always be asking ourselves “what next, Lord?” for me personally, and for us together as a church family. One way of finding answers to our personal questions and doubts about our faith is to discuss it with others in a respectful way. In February we are providing an opportunity to do just this by running an Alpha Course.

This is my personal invitation to you to come along. Join me for a meal, watch a short film and discuss your beliefs or challenge the Christian faith in a friendly open and informal way.

So here’s to 2018… bring it on… and we hope you enjoy reading this years journal. Remember also you can follow us on Facebook.

Local Minister Sue Deacon