
Thanks to Mike and Glen

This is Mike and Glen who are Lincoln Cathedral stonemasons. They spent a day last weekend moving the font from its location in the entrance to the bell tower to its new home adjacent to one of the pillars in the nave.

Access to the bell tower floor area was severely restricted by the position of the font. Mike said ‘moving the font to its proposed location would be really beneficial due to the presence of continuous damp in its current location which has started to delaminate the base and the plinth’.

Moving the font will also free up the bell tower floor area, and assist access to the bell tower, which is currently used for storage. The short term plan is to use the bell tower floor area more practically and flexibly. Firstly to locate a portable digital mixing desk which is part of a new digital audio system incorporating a hearing loop, part-funded by the Bishop’s Transformation Fund, and secondly a temporary moveable, servery from which refreshments can be served, thus freeing up more space for seating in the current refreshment area.

A longer term plan would be to use the bell tower floor area for a disabled toilet facility. The relocation of the font will help maintain our current Church growth rate and our ‘fresh expression of church’ transformation.