
RAF executives visit to Scampton Church 

A party of executives from the RAF at High Wycombe and the RAF Museum at Hendon visited the RAF Museum and Heritage Centre at RAF Scampton.

Whilst in the area they particularly wanted to visit, The Dambusters Inn and Scampton Church to look around the church building, and understand the setting for the RAF Scampton Commemorative Window. They spent time visiting the Commonwealth War Graves and were interested in hearing of the future plans for the church.

Follow up e mails were received saying: ‘Thank you for a wonderful visit – it was great to meet up in person and find out more about the project and your wonderful plans for the Church and your community.

‘Thankyou for being so generous with your time on Wednesday. The warmth and values that shine from all that you showed us are incredibly inspiring, from your beautiful community church, to the German graves beside the RAF ones, to the lovely welcome note you read to us as we were leaving. The Dambusters Inn also was a real joy.’

Pictured from left to right: Maggie Appleton (Ch Exec RAF Museum), Wing Commander Erica Ferguson (RAF heritage lead), Rev Sue Deacon, Ian Thirsk (RAF Museum Head of Collections), Seb Cox (RAF’s Senior Historian) and Karen Whitting (Director engagement RAF Museum).