Operation Christmas Child

Charity donations Over 10.5 million shoeboxes were sent last year to children in places around the world that suffer from poverty, famine, drought and displacement. 400, 000 of these were from the UK, 28,107 were shipped from Grimsby, 68 of them started their journey...

Remembrance Concert

A memorable evening at Scampton Church Our Remembrance Concert was held on the 8th November. A full church enjoyed a memorable evening featuring The Bassingham Community Choir with soloist Ellie Hull, singing a programme of songs with readings and...

Toilet Twinning

Spend a penny and flush away poverty Scampton Church congregation has been spending loads of pennies! Some months ago we gave people collection boxes asking them to “Spend a penny and flush away poverty.” It seems that whenever we go to the toilet we now spend more...

Wonderous Woman Award

Award winning reverend Requests from Alive Church in Lincoln for nominations for a ‘Wondrous Woman Award’ were requested on social media during the early part of this year, and a number of people nominated this lady who won it. Well done Rev. Sue Deacon...

The Family Service each month

It’s for all and everyone! A big thank you to everyone who work so hard to make this monthly service so meaningful and enjoyable – come and join in our Family Service. It’s for all and everyone! Here’s a few photos from this months Family...

The New Flagpole

Church of England flag The new flagpole has now been erected in the churchyard, and currently flying the RAF ensign whist the RAF Scampton Commemorative Window Project and The extended ‘Allies in the Air’ Exhibition is running. Thanks to Chris Kenny and...

Allies in the Air

Allied Airmen Exhibition The exhibition was staged by Aviation Heritage Lincolnshire. The exhibition told the story of the many Allied airmen in the county during the First World War. Personnel from the United States Army Air Service, the United States Navy, the...

Film crew at Scampton School

School children helping in campaign video In support of a crowd funding effort for a new RAF stained glass window at Scampton Church commemorating the one hundred year relationship between the village, the church and the RAF, children at Scampton Primary School were...

Caretakers of Gods Creation Service

June Family Service and ECO day As we are currently running our Toilet Twinning Campaign the June family service was all about being caretakers of Gods creation and looked at World Environment Day on the 5th June. The children scoured the churchyard searching for...

Easter Celebrations

Easter conga fun! Great fun at our Easter Celebration Communion Service this year. A full church hunted Easter eggs, watched a video about the Easter story, took part in an all inclusive thanksgiving communion, and did the Easter conga! Even Chester the greyhound came...

An Inclusive Family Thanksgiving

Inclusive, Informal, Interactive, Friendly, Fun And Free! At Scampton Church we believe that following and worshipping Jesus should be fun, exciting and not too ‘stuffy’. We are passionate about developing ‘Fresh Expressions’ of Church to...

One Way Jesus

A lesson in humility Our March family service followed the theme of Humility: While teaching one day, Jesus started talking about the religious leaders and describing how they acted. The behaviour he describes is the the opposite of humility – they do everything for...

Revd. Dr David Young

Sadly missed It is with sadness that I report the death of the Revd. Dr David Young who passed away on the 9th February. David was a particular close friend of mine and a disciple in Christ, and I am truly indebted to him for his warmth, advice, and gentle...

February Flowers

Spring is springing With the very mild weather during the third week of February the snowdrops, aconites and crucus are doing their thing and the churchyard is filling with colour to herald the forthcoming...

Wine Tasting Evening

Thanks for your support Thank you to everyone who supported last weekend’s wine tasting evening. The evening was run by Brian Elliott, the founder of midweek wines website. Brian is a wine writer and international wine competitions judge. A newspaper columnist and...

Hello Everyone…

Exciting changes ahead! It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m already thinking of all the exciting changes that are planned at Scampton Church for 2019. It’s the end of another year and a time when many of us reflect back at what we have done during the past twelve months and...