Macmillan Christingle

Strange hair do’s There were some strange hair do’s at this years Christingle service. There was red hair, blue hair, a pink haired local minister, and lots of wiggy type hair, but the person to top it all was Vicky who had her hair shaved off to raise...

After Alpha

Alpha 2019 starts on the 11th February Following the conclusion of the 2018 Alpha course the feedback from the folks who came along was very positive, especially as to how their view of the Christian faith had changed. Here are some of the comments made by them about...

Armistice Centenary

A time to reflect and remember Our special Armistice Centenary event ran during remembrance week. It was made up of three parts. The Lost Voices Concert, The Remembrance Service and a World War 1 Flying Corps Exhibition. All parts of the special event made the...

Look who’s moved the font

Thanks to Mike and Glen This is Mike and Glen who are Lincoln Cathedral stonemasons. They spent a day last weekend moving the font from its location in the entrance to the bell tower to its new home adjacent to one of the pillars in the nave. Access to the bell tower...

Harvest Celebration

A sharing service The family service this month was our annual Harvest Celebration. The theme of the service this year is ‘sharing’ and its based on the bible reading from Isaiah 58 verse 7.  Pete the Puppet was up to his usual ‘extreme’ antics...

New team to work the sound desk

Thanks to all volunteers A new team has been created to set up and operate the sound desk at each service. Thanks to all who have volunteered. Pictured Walter operating the sound desk at the Harvest...

‘After Alpha’ Group Restarts

Coffee and cake on hand! The response for an Autumn get together was really encouraging with fourteen people coming along. We listened to a 20 minute talk (with visuals) on Romans 12. 1-13 and discussed what makes a Church community/family. The obligatory coffee and...

Pews Out – Chairs In

What a transition! A great big thank you to all those people who came to help with the transition from pews to chairs. Moving the unsold pews out, taking part in the big clean up, shampooing the carpets and wax polishing the oak furniture, touching up the paintwork in...

Talking to God

The Lords Prayer That’s what the family service was all about this month as we took a deeper look at the Lords Prayer, and focused on Matthew 6. 5-15. 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on...

RAF 100 Family Service Celebration

The Best Family Service Ever! We were blessed during July to host our friends from Goldsboro, North Carolina. Doc and Judine Heidicker came over to the UK to attend the dedication of the 121 and 133 Eagle Squadron badges at the RAF Club in London. Doc is the Wing...

Church Family Prayer

Prayer ideas At our last family service we all put together ideas for a church family prayer. Well, our church warden Chris has had a look at the contributions and put this together. As we serve youLord, help us to concentrate on YouAs we help other peopleLord, help...

More Children Join ‘The Band’

Calling all music lovers Lovely to see Emily and Hannah playing keyboards this month. Well done both of you. Don’t forget if you play an instrument and would like to join in then tell us. We’ll send you the music well in advance and you can play as much or...

New Church Family Prayer

Look out next month for the new Family Service Prayer We are creating a new ‘Family Service Prayer’, especially for Scampton Church, which we will say at the beginning of the family services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Ideas from the...

The Chairs are Coming!

All change at Scampton Curch After about 4 years of research and campaigning, we have now received approval from the Church of England to dispose of the pews and replace them with chairs. Four of the more ornate pews will be retained, as will the more modern pews in...

Open Churches Weekend

A very successful open churches weekend The open churches weekend was a real success, raising £343, and was uplifted by the wonderful sunshine. There was lots going on including the royal wedding live on TV and a reflective walk around the Commonwealth War Graves and...

A right royal wedding

A wonderful wedding day What a beautiful way to learn about the Church of England Wedding Service and celebrate the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The sun shone on Scampton Church as pupils, staff and parents attended Scampton Primary Schools ‘Mock...

Easter Sunday

Alleluia – He is Risen – He is Risen indeed – Alleluia! Well 75 people came along to celebrate the Risen Christ. The service represented what the disciples must have felt like when they encountered the risen Christ. In fact following His resurrection Jesus was seen...

Mothering Sunday

Lets have a band! Sue and Joe have been working with some of the children at Scampton School during the Easter term and someone said…lets have a band! So no sooner said than done and seven of the children came along and played ‘Seek ye First the Kingdom of...

Churchyard Bench Seat Restored

Summer picnic ready The teak bench seat dedicated to William and Margaret Lockwood and their son Jack who died serving his country in 1943, has been stripped re-oiled and re-secured. It’s now a lovely place again for quiet reflection and prayer or a summer...

The Beast from the East

Would the family service go ahead? Wow! what a cold week with freezing temperatures and 15 cm of snow! Would the family service go ahead? Here’s how Sue described the morning on her Facebook entry … ‘Went over to church at 7.15 this morning in my...

We need your help

If there is one thing for sure… Scampton Church Family is growing! In our growing church help is always needed. Here are a few ways that you could help. Prayer – It’s often said, “I can’t do much, but I can pray.” That is a sad way to think about prayer....

Alpha Course

Curry and pie and peas! Our first ever Alpha course started on the 5th of February and the group has ten members who signed up for the nine weekly sessions. So far we’ve munched through lasagne, pancakes and sheherds pie with vegan/vegetarian alternatives. We...

Hello Everyone…

Bring it on! It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m already thinking of all the exciting changes that are planned at Scampton Church for 2018. When speaking about change and being a changed person, it makes me think about the time when a man called Zac met Jesus and was changed...